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I contributed to a poster (see abstract below) presented
at the 2010 Annual Conference of European Cetacean Society
at Stralsund, Germany on 22-24 March.


Alberto Fozzi (1), Francesca Magnone (1), Rita Falconi (2),
Roberto Fozzi (1), Alberto De Lazzari (1), Egidio Trainito (1), Augusto Navone (3)
(1) CRiMM onlus (Marine Mammals Research Center)
(2) Università degli Studi di Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze
(3) Marine Protected Area Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
Corresponding author: fra.magnone@crimm.org

Long-term monitoring research on Common Bottlenose Dolphin along the Northeastern coast of Sardinia has entered its ninth year. A greal deal about some aspects of their biology and conservation status had been learnt over the past years. In the study area were established some different protected areas for the great value of marine biodiversity. Between January 2001 and August 2009, 627 days were spent surveying, resulting in 2.243 hours of sea surveys, 421 sightings and 1.960 observations. From 2001 to 2009 were photo-identified 149 dolphins and were investigated the abundance, social organisation, distribution and habitat use of the dolphins as well as the threats faced by them. The analysis of group composition showed a high percentage of females and calves. These results strongly imply that the Northeastern coast of Sardinia is an important feeding ground and nursery of this population. For this coastal dolphin population the major threats are by-catch (direct) and vessel traffic (indirect). The present status is clear, but the future is very uncertain, because the exponential anthropic growth in coastal areas reduced the available habitat. In this work are shown all results and the future prospects for middle and long term survival of this population and the effective role play of Protected Areas.
To view the full poster click here.

I contributed most images, the texts for some profile cards, the graphical design, the editing and page layout
to the project of the Atlas of specially protected species based on ASPIM protocols
realized by UBICA Srl on behalf of the Area Marina Protetta (AMP) Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo.
This is an initial assesment stage for the assets of the AMP limited to zones A and B (integral reserve and special reserve).
The cartography is georeferenced and included in the
GIS of the AMP.

I collaborate to a research project on Sea Level Variations in the Quaternary
by detection of geological indicators,
like tidal notches (the deep indentations on calcareous cliffs at sea level),
beach rocks (fossile beaches indicating past sea level and coastline)
and submerged or semi-submerged archeological structures.
Fabrizio Antonioli (Enea, Dept. of Environment, Rome)
presented an extensive report on the studies made in Sardinia at the Meeting of the
Italian Geological Association held in Alghero
on September 16, 2008. A summary appears in the On-line Reports of the Association.

The two-year project
for the design and implementation of assisted snorkeling routes
in the AMP of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
has been recently completed.
A poster will be placed at the access points of the routes
describing the contents and indicating
where underwater orientation cards are available.
Two booklets were also published describing the routes with
a general introduction to marine organisms and fish of the AMP.
In addition, a waterproof leaflet is available for the identification of common species.
I did the design of the routes and edited the documentation,
while booklet 3 on fish was realized by Paolo Guidetti and Simona Bussotti.

I have recently completed the two-year project
for the study of the impact of diving activity
in the main diving sites of the AMP Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
The poster published for the Coast Day 2008
provides a summary of methodology and results.

© Egidio Trainito